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Young woman in white tunic in front of a traditional house in Bali


Always seeking to partner with great people

Much of Scandic Gypsy's growth over the years has evolved from our wonderful partnerships around the world. 


Retailers and 'E-tailers' alike have proudly stocked our products.  We take our collaborations seriously and monitor closely where our products will be stocked.  This ensures our brand positioning is maintained, and at the same time our valuable partners are protected from 'the store down the road' stocking our product in direct competition.  Sometimes we lose out (on sales) but we believe we win out in the long run.  That being said, we are always on the lookout for new and emerging stores - both physical and online - to carry our products. 


So, if you have a new or existing outlet and you're interested in collaborating with us here at Scandic Gypsy, please just complete the form below and we'll be right back to you as soon as we can!  Our rattan and leather bags and visors are a huge hit, as are our woven leather mules for both adults and kids.  Of course we are continually evolving our designs and have some great new designs across our portfolio which we look forward to sharing with you!

Let’s Work Together

Get in touch so we can start working together.

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